
When things are horrible--just horrible--I think as hard as ever I can of being of princess. I say to myself , "I am a princess." You don't know how it makes you forget.
-A Little Princess
"It's true," she said. "I do pretend I am a princess. I pretend to be a princess so I can try to behave like one."
-A Little Princess

I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and...I believe in miracles.
-Audrey Hepburn

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Brief Summary of the Last Two Months

Obviously I'm not going to go into detail about every activity I've done while I've been up here, but I can start off with a little overview of the basic status of my life right now. I live in Heritage Halls, in an apartment with 5 other girls. My "room" roommate is one of my best friends from back home, Monica. We take care of each other, drive each other nuts, and basically have the time of our lives. It was a struggle the first week or two to make friends and be social, since I'm a rather small and quiet person, but thanks in large part to Monica's outgoingness we have a really good group of friends. BYU is a phenomenal school. There's always so much to do, the classes are interesting, and the people are hilarious. It is so weird being surrounded by so many Mormons. I feel almost corrupt compared to some of these kids! My parents told me I'd be shocked by how bad Mormon kids could be, but so far I haven't come across it. Maybe it's because I'm a freshman living right on campus. On the whole, though, I'm afraid to say that all of the stereotypes of BYU are exactly right. Everyone looks the same, everyone is intelligent, and many, many people are obsessed with dating and/or getting married. When you're walking on campus and you see an attractive person, you have to look over them twice: once to note their appearance, and again to check for a wedding ring.

There is so much I can say already about the uniqueness of BYU, but I don't want to ramble on and on right away. Essentially, everyone here is nerdy. Everyone loves Harry Potter, everyone loves Disney (my friends and I regularly break into Mulan-quoting sessions) and everyone is intelligent. The average high school GPA for incoming freshman this year was a 3.8, which is what I had. That's right, folks, I'm average. Whatever shall I do?

BYU, and college in general, has a reputation of overwhelming the students with fun activities. I would like to inform you that this is absolutely true. There are:
-Dances (I've only been to two, but I think a dance is going on somewhere every weekend)
-Sporting events (football, volleyball, and soccer are the most popular. I haven't been to a soccer game)
-Music performances (one of my friends is in Men's Chorus, so we watch them sing often)
-Divine Comedy shows (look them up on YouTube if you haven't yet. Do it now)
-And, of course, the random things my friends and I do at unholy hours of the night. I've decided that, despite what various Young Women's leaders, bishops, and parents have preached, the Holy Ghost actually goes to bed at 3:30 AM.

To get the best idea of my current life, I'll give you my basic schedule:
Monday: Wake up at 8 AM, go to Book of Mormon at 9, Anthropology at 10, and Greek and Roman Lit at 11. I have no more classes today, so I go home and take a nap, do some homework, shop at the Creamery, watch TV, etc. Then it's FHE at 7, some more homework, and work at 10.
Tuesday: Wake up at 9 AM, get ready for the day (Tuesdays and Thursdays are my cute days), go to the devotional at 11. Then it's English class at 12:05, and homework until 4:35 when my Humanities class starts. The class ends at 6, and I do various activities until work.
Wednesday: Same as Monday, only without FHE
Thursday: Same as Tuesday, only I get to sleep in longer because there isn't a devotional
Friday: The best day of the week. I don't have Book of Mormon, so I get to sleep in a little bit longer. Anthropology is in a lab setting, with a TA, so it's a smaller class and we do fun things. Like watch Pocahontas. At 12, Monica and I, and two of our guy friends, always have lunch together. It's a tradition. Then I usually lay around until 7 or 8, when the fun begins, unless there's a football game. The last two Fridays I've gone to dances, which were very fun. Since it's always a mixture of guys and girls, we have to stop hanging out in our dorm buildings at 1:30, so we take to the streets. We used to just hang out outside on the grass for hours, but it's too cold for that now, so we usually walk to Del Taco. It's the only time I ever leave campus, and we always go there because nowhere else is open that late (early?)
Saturday: It just passes in a haze of tiredness. Monica watches football all day, I pop in and out, do some laundry, maybe work on homework, go over my Sunday school lesson. If there's a Saturday game I go to that, then Del Taco again, and for the past two Saturdays we've gone to the bell tower and sat and talked for hours and hours.
Sunday: Wake up about 8, hurriedly get ready for Relief Society at 8:30. I got there on time this Sunday! That doesn't often happen. Every other week I have to teach Sunday School (joy), which means I'll be teaching this Sunday. Sunday's are lazy days. At 8:30 we have ward prayer, then some people come over and we work on homework together, and then it's time for work.

That is the core structure of my life. I can't wait to start telling you guys all the details. For instance, today I took a Book of Mormon test, and I made a 94! I was so thrilled! I also took a 3 hour nap. That was beautiful. Now this post has gone on long enough, and I'd better study for my Humanities test tomorrow. TTYL!!!!!

Emily <3

PS-Coming soon: The joys of living in the oldest dorms on campus

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