
When things are horrible--just horrible--I think as hard as ever I can of being of princess. I say to myself , "I am a princess." You don't know how it makes you forget.
-A Little Princess
"It's true," she said. "I do pretend I am a princess. I pretend to be a princess so I can try to behave like one."
-A Little Princess

I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and...I believe in miracles.
-Audrey Hepburn

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My BYU Family

You know how they say when you go to BYU the people in your ward become like your real brothers and sisters? It's not that simple.

It all started when Tyler and Monica and I started getting super close. We felt like family! Monica has a very maternal bent, so she became Tyler's mother. Tyler was called to be the FHE dad for his group (which is not my group), and since I'm a bit immature, I became his daughter. The FHE mom for my group is my roommate Lindsay, and after Tyler proposed to her, she became his wife, and my real mother. Our other friend, Blake, is also Tyler and Lindsay's child. Tyler's old friend from Texas, Brianne, had long been called the mother of their group, and so when we met her, she and Monica agreed to be co-moms.
Recap so far: Monica is Tyler's mother, and my grandmother. Tyler is my father, and Lindsay is my and Blake's birth mother. Blake is my brother. We don't know who Tyler's father is. His other, adoptive, mother is Brianne.
Tyler is also married to the FHE mom for his group, Sheryl. His roommate Peter is also in his group, and so is their son.
Recap: Tyler has two wives, and three children.
Tyler started dating-for-real Courtney (btw that's the serious relationship I was talking about in my dating post), making her his third wife. Together, they are the parents of Tyler's other four roommates, Nic, Josh, Dayne, and Ryan. Courtney is also married to her roommate, Kelley.
Recap: Tyler has three wives, and eight children.
Lindsay is ALSO married to her for-real FHE husband, other Tyler, aka TTyler (the extra T is for extra talent). This is where things get really, really complicated, because that makes TTyler the father to both me and Monica. We aren't sure which Tyler is my real birth father, probably single-T Tyler, but they both raised me. If Tyler was my father, Monica is my grandma. If TTyler is my father, Monica is my sister.
Recap: Tyler is married to three women, and his wife Courtney is married to a fourth. Lindsay is married to both Tylers. She has two children, and is unsure of which Tyler fathered them. Tyler and Sheryl have one child, Pete. Tyler and Courtney have four children, and I believe Kelley and Courtney are soon to adopt a child. Monica is Tyler's mother, and TTyler is her father. This makes Lindsay Monica's stepmom, making Lindsay both my mom and step-great-grandma.
Monica's origins are ambiguous. TTyler is her father, but no one knows who her mother is. What happened next is this. Earlier in the year, one of the apartments in the guy's dorm had taken to calling one of their roommates, Jeff, "dad", because he is apparently very paternal. They also called their RA, Bryant, "mom", because that's basically what RA's are. One day, Monica asked Jeff if she could call him dad too, and he agreed, thus adding himself to our crazy family tree. He is still the father of his apartment-mates, and Bryant is the "mother" of his apartment-mates, as well as Jeff's apartment-mates, as well as Monica.
Recap: Bryant and Jeff are the parents of Monica and TTyler, because TTyler is one of Bryant's apartment-mates. The two of them have a total of nine children. They are Tyler's grandparents, and my great-grandparents. All of their children are my uncles, except for TTyler, who is my father (maybe) and Monica, who is my grandmother (or possibly sister, if TTyler is my real father.) Tyler is married to Bryant and Jeff's daughter-in-law.
A couple of days ago, Courtney's roommates were added to the family. Tia and her boyfriend are Courtney's grandparents, and Beth and her boyfriend are Courtney's parents. It is basically the only line on the tree that makes any sense whatsoever. Actually, I take that back. It all makes sense. Here's the story.

Bryant and Jeff adopted eight sons: Bryce, Ty, Nathan, Nathan, Michael, TTyler, Stephen, Murphy, and Rob. TTyler had a child (Monica) at a young age, but the mother left and we don't know who she is. TTyler was unprepared for fatherhood, so gave his child to his parents (Bryant and Jeff) to raise. Thus her biological grandparents became her for-all-intents-and-purposes parents, and her uncles became her brothers. She, like her father, also had a child at a young age (Tyler). We are likewise currently unaware of his other parent. Monica gave him up for adoption to Brianne, but re-entered Tyler's life several years later. Upon reaching adulthood, Tyler participated in an arranged marriage with Sheryl, which resulted in one son. He then married Lindsay, who was already married to TTyler (so he married his step-grandmother). Lindsay had two children, but we haven't figured out who fathered whom. We do believe that Tyler is my father, and TTyler is Blake's father. Possibly. In physical appearances, that seems to be the case, but we aren't sure. In any case, I'm Tyler's favorite child (fact). Tyler then married Courtney, and they had four children. Courtney then married Kelley, and they haven't had any children, but are considering adopting a son. I think that about sums it up. We have four generations in our family, with a bit of overlap with Monica and TTyler. I hope this answers all the questions you have about our family tree!
(The family tree is in my pictures on Facebook.)

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