
When things are horrible--just horrible--I think as hard as ever I can of being of princess. I say to myself , "I am a princess." You don't know how it makes you forget.
-A Little Princess
"It's true," she said. "I do pretend I am a princess. I pretend to be a princess so I can try to behave like one."
-A Little Princess

I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and...I believe in miracles.
-Audrey Hepburn

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Important Facts

I'm breaking my self-imposed summertime exile from my blog to bring you list of interesting things I would like to share. I would call them "Little-known facts" but I have no idea what or how much you know. They could be very "Well-known facts." So I will call them "Facts Emily Knows." Because, well, they are.

Facts Emily Knows.
1. Austin is full of hipsters. Which is probably good for the city, because hipsters care about the environment, and so they keep the city clean.
2. Everyone in Austin runs. Or jogs. Or walks. Or rides their bike. In fact, I've seen hardly anyone wearing anything other than hipster clothes or running clothes.
3. Many times in Austin, guys run without their shirts on. Which makes sense, since it's nearly 100 degrees, but sometimes, you wish they would cover up. Like I said EVERYONE runs, regardless of age or physical condition.
4. Everyone in Austin has a dog. The dogs walk and run as well. But they don't ride bikes.
5. The Home Depot in Austin lets shoppers bring in their dogs. Because dogs like to DIY (DIT?) Do other Home Depots let doggies roam the aisles? This is not a fact Emily knows, because Emily does not frequent Home Depot often.
6. Emily is starting to feel like her IQ drops a few points every time she writes in third person.
7. Cats have scent glands on their paws, so when they knead something like a blanket--or your chest--they are actually marking their territory. Dogs pee.
8. I went nearly four days without hearing We Are Young, Stronger, Glad You Came, Somebody That I Used to Know, What Makes You Beautiful, Call Me Maybe or anything by Katy Perry or Nicki Minaj. No, that stuff is too mainstream for the popular Austin radio station (Yes, even Fun! I guess they got too popular and broke the Hipster Code. However, they did play some Adele. Everyone loves Adele.) It was actually quite nice listening to indie music though. It's some good stuff.
9. In Austin, there is a Bat Bridge. Something like three-quarters of a million bats live under the Congress Street Bat Bridge and they are supposed to fly out in huge droves at dusk. Well, dusk came, and there we were, hundreds of humans, gathering close together on the bridge, peering into the still water below and desperately searching for a flicker of motion that would signal the rise of our dark masters. Night fell, and while a few creatures emerged from their slumber, nothing like the mass gathering we were promised. Thus, the believers slowly drifted away, their hopes shattered.
I think it's a hoax.
10. Snow White and the Huntsman was a not a good movie, and Kristen Stewart needs to stop acting. She's just not very good at it.
11. The Avengers was the best movie I've ever seen, but now that I'm thinking about it, I'm really mad that they killed off the person they killed off, because now that person won't be in anymore superhero movies!!!! Still, Avengers was so good.
12. Liars are awful. For instance, after going through two interviews with the manager of a certain store, and waiting for four days after the manager said "We'll call you today, or tomorrow at the latest," after going back into the store to see if there was any news, I get this email: "Thank you for interviewing with us for the position of Customer Experience Associate. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that you have not been selected for this position." How cowardly is that? They couldn't even say "No" over the phone, much less to my face! Despicable.
13. Apparently people can't refuse me in person, because I walked into an interview with Michaels, and got the job right away! So now I have a job.
14. I have had two interactions with males in the past two months. I miss talking to boys. They keep things interesting. I may not be very good at flirting, but I do enjoy it!
15. These have all been "Facts Emily Knows." Hope you enjoyed 'em. 

1 comment:

  1. Even Joss Whedon has said he didn't actually die. We only have Director Fury's word to go on that he's dead. And he's not exactly known for telling the truth.
