
When things are horrible--just horrible--I think as hard as ever I can of being of princess. I say to myself , "I am a princess." You don't know how it makes you forget.
-A Little Princess
"It's true," she said. "I do pretend I am a princess. I pretend to be a princess so I can try to behave like one."
-A Little Princess

I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and...I believe in miracles.
-Audrey Hepburn

Friday, January 27, 2012

Some Facts About Me

I can't think of anything else to write about, so let me tell you some stories.

I am very short. One time, I was walking to class with my friend Tyler (who is also my FHE dad), and he looked down at me and said "You're very small. Have I ever told you that?" He hadn't. It just served as another reminder that I am a tiny person. At work, my boss calls me Smurfette. I have been called a hobbit four times. The same guy who called me a hobbit also calls me "Small One" every night when we're about to leave. I've always known I was short, but according to the people here I'm abnormally miniscule. I'm 5'2 and I weigh about 107 lbs (on a good day), which I don't think is super tiny, and I don't feel small. Then I'll see myself in a full length mirror and think "Wow, I really do have short legs." It doesn't help that I have a fast, high-pitched voice and the hyperactivity of a ten-year-old. So, yes, I am small. But you know what? I may be small, but my heart is large! Metaphorically speaking! Moral of the story: A person's a person, no matter how small.

Next story: Monica loves Vocal Point. And when I say loves, I mean completely obsesses over. It's actually very terrifying. There's this blog that someone (who does not go to BYU) writes about Vocal Point, and it's really creepy. They know everything about the members. They repeatedly watch Vocal Point videos, and analyze the heck out of them. It made Monica happy at first because it proves that there is someone out there who is creepier and more obsessive than she is. Unfortunately, she now reads it religiously. It's a problem. We're going to send her to rehab. Anyway, every Friday, some of the Vocal Point members perform in Brigham Square, in the middle of campus, and I've seen them perform there twice. Monica hasn't seen it at all. The first time I saw them, I recorded a video, and when I showed it Monica, she had a meltdown. I was afraid. The moral of this story: If I turn up dead, it's because Monica killed me over Vocal Point.

Next story: I'm not going to actually tell this story. What happened was I tried to give someone advice, and I failed. Moral of the story: Never, ever, ever, ever ask me for advice.

Next story: At work, every Thursday we bring food and have a mini-party during break. This week, we had sour gummy worms and chips and dip. We were discussing how everybody is mean to me at work sometimes (see the story on my size, above), and I should sing the "Nobody like me, everybody hates me" song. Then one guy at work told me "Emily, to be honest, I think I like you more than gummy worms." It was probably one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. Moral of the story: I love my job.

I don't have any more stories, because I don't really do anything with my life. Also, I should do homework.
Lots of love,
Emily <3

1 comment:

  1. You are pretty awesome.... but gummy-worms awesome? I don't know.... I guess you could pull it off (maybe).
