
When things are horrible--just horrible--I think as hard as ever I can of being of princess. I say to myself , "I am a princess." You don't know how it makes you forget.
-A Little Princess
"It's true," she said. "I do pretend I am a princess. I pretend to be a princess so I can try to behave like one."
-A Little Princess

I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and...I believe in miracles.
-Audrey Hepburn

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Thing I Was Going to Do Earlier

You know what blogs are great for? Procrastination.

So earlier this week I was thinking about dating (what else is new?) and I decided to write a blog post about what goes through a girl's head as she's preparing for a date. I didn't write it. Then I thought some more about how funny getting ready for a date is, and I decided to write it anyway. So I am.

I've already talked at length about the different kinds of dates we have up here at BYU. Depending on who you are and the status of your dating life, what I'm about to say could be very wrong. Really, this is what goes on in MY head when I'm asked on a date. This is MY blog, so I think that's all right.
The date I am describing falls into the category of fun date: It is a first date between a guy and a girl who are friends, or at least acquaintances, and it doesn't matter if either side has feelings for the other. They are just going out to have a good time.

Here we go.

It all starts the minute the guy goes to ask the girl out. There is ALWAYS some kind of indication that the guy is about to pop the dating question. Maybe he waits until the two of you are alone and strikes up a friendly but absent-minded conversation. Maybe he approaches you, acting a bit nervous. Maybe he randomly calls or texts you (note: text messaging is the lamest way to ask a girl on a date. If you've asked a girl on a date through texting, I'm sorry, but you are weak! Calls are fine though.)
-At that moment, the girl (or maybe just me) is thinking: Oh my gosh he's asking me on a date! This is awesome! Do I have anything going on this weekend? Of course not! Sweet I have plans! I'm not going to be a loser this weekend!
-Unless of course, the girl doesn't want to go on a date with that guy, then she's thinking: Oh no he's about to ask me on a date. I don't have any plans this weekend. Dang it. Should I say no anyway? No that would be too mean. He's not an awful guy I guess. Oh well, it might be fun!
-(Note: I never think that. If I don't want to go on a date with you, I say no.)
However he brings up the question, he always begins it by asking "Are you free [insert specific day here]?"
-Positive girl is thinking: YES!!!! I knew it! I don't care what we're doing, or when it is, I have a date! It's going to be so much fun! 
-Negative girl: I am free. Crap. 
Then the guy goes on to say what the date is, who's going to be there, and a bunch of other stuff that only matters in that moment because it must be relayed back to various roommates and female friends as soon as the girl gets home.
-That conversation also varies depending on the guy. When a guy I really liked asked me out, I ran into my bedroom and screamed "GUESS WHAT???" to Monica. She knew right away: "So-and-so asked you out?!?!?!" Then we spoke in very loud and excited voices for a while.
-When a guy I didn't like at all asked me out (I said no to that one. I've been told that it's better to say no upfront than go on the date and have a miserable time, because if you say no the guy has time to find someone else who actually wants to be with him and he won't waste his money on such a heartless strumpet) this was my conversation with Monica: "Guess who asked me out?" "Who?" "SO AND SO." "OH NO!!!! I'm so sorry!!! What did you say???" "I said no! I feel really bad, but I just can't do that!!" "Oh it's ok, I would have said no too..."
Let's say the guy asked the girl out 3-5 days before the day of the date. It's probable she will see the guy again before the date, and every time she does she's either thinking:
-I'm going on a date with him in a couple of days. I wonder if he likes me. Probably not. It's just a fun friend date. Do I like him? Oh maybe a little. No, I don't like him. I do? I hope he likes me... Oh what does it matter I'm just going to die alone!
-Oh no there he is. Is he going to try and talk to me? I'm just going to pretend I didn't see him. How am I going to get through this date?
Finally, the big day arrives. 2-3 hours before the date (depending on the activity) the girl realizes she has a date in a few hours, and begins to inwardly freak out a little bit:
-Eeek it's almost time! I look like crap! How am I going to do my hair????
-Eeek it's almost time! I look like crap! How am I going to do my hair????
She gathers up all her bobby pins, flips on her hairstyling devices, and as she's waiting for them to heat up, starts desperately trying to find something to wear.
-All my clothes are ugly! He'll never like me if I wear something like this!
-I know I don't really care what he thinks of me, but I still want to look cute!
The preparation process takes awhile. Sometimes, advice is begged of the roommates. Sometimes clothes or shoes are shared. The make-up must be redone to perfection. Heaven forbid a red spot or dark circle be visible on a date! Eventually though, the girl stands in front of her mirror and decides that she looks pretty darn good. I remember in the Super-Mega-Special Dating issue of the New Era magazine the general authorities said that girls are supposed to look extra nice on their dates, because the guy has really put himself out there asking her out, and he's spending money on her, so the least she could do is look magnificent for him. Believe me, girls spend a lot of time trying to look awesome.
After she finishes getting ready, there's really nothing else to do before the date starts. So the girl thinks some more
-Ok I still have ten minutes before he gets here. I'm just going to sit here and try not to mess my hair/face/clothes up. Oh man I hope this is fun! Speaking of fun, is this a fun date or a serious date? Probably just a fun date. I don't think he like me...does he?
-Ok I still have ten minutes before he gets here. Can I go through with this? Yes, I can, and I'm going to have a good time. I WILL have a good time!!!! (But if I don't, I wonder how I can make this as short as possible...)
Finally, there's a knock at the door. She takes a deep breath, checks the mirror one more time, and opens the door, a big smile on her face, regardless of what she's thinking.

Sometimes the date is good, and sometimes it's bad, but a decent girl, no, a decent human being does their best to make the experience as enjoyable for both sides as possible. Sometimes the girl comes home happy, with a budding crush on her date, sometimes she comes home with any trace of affection obliterated. One time a while ago I finished a date and promptly told my friends "I don't like him anymore!" That was funny. Dates here at BYU are so seemingly meaningless, but sometimes we hopeless romantics have difficulty adjusting to that fact. Still, dates are fun. It doesn't matter if you actually the guy or not. It's just nice to be someone's "date" for an evening. It makes you feel special, and wanted.
It makes you feel like a princess.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the insight emily! It all makes sense now...
