
When things are horrible--just horrible--I think as hard as ever I can of being of princess. I say to myself , "I am a princess." You don't know how it makes you forget.
-A Little Princess
"It's true," she said. "I do pretend I am a princess. I pretend to be a princess so I can try to behave like one."
-A Little Princess

I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and...I believe in miracles.
-Audrey Hepburn

Friday, February 24, 2012

M and Em

There's a really important part of my life at BYU that I have not dedicated nearly enough time to. I realized this last night while we were having a very serious discussion, that resulted in my lying facedown on my bed, laughing 'til I cried. My relationship with my roommate Monica is, at times, very frightening, but I really couldn't ask for a better friend.

Monica and I became friends several years ago. I had a very good friend in my ward who was also friends with Monica, and she introduced us. After a little while, Monica and I realized that we were the same person. Our junior year, we decided that if we both got into BYU we would room together, but since we didn't actually get to see each other very often since we were in different wards and went to different schools, we decided to use EFY as a trial period to make sure we could get along.

That was a very fun week.

That was when we were in the throes of our Avatar: The Last Airbender obsession. We actually made a pact to not talk about it in front of anyone else in our group, because we were afraid that if the other kids knew how insane we were, we wouldn't make any friends. We couldn't go a whole week without talking about it though, so as soon as we got home at night we would lie in our beds and quote the show to each other. (If you've never watched Avatar, you have my pity.)

Finally, we made it to BYU. Life together is interesting, to say the least. You see, Monica and I have an amazing ability to read each other's minds. It occasionally scares our friends, but it's quite nice when we're in a group of guys and don't want them to know what our thinking.
The scariest time we ever had a shared thought was a couple of weeks ago, when we were sitting on our friends' couch. There was a lull in the conversation, and at the same time Monica and I both thought, "You know what's weird? How we weren't really friends with you guys last semester." How do I know that we had the same thought? We said it out loud AT THE SAME TIME, perfectly in unison. It was hilarious. And also very creepy.

This ability takes the fun out the Guess What? game. When I got asked out by the guy I liked last semester, I ran up to our bedroom, threw open the door, and yelled "GUESS WHAT????" She knew right away. Last night, she asked me to guess what she's afraid of. I guessed it. In case you wanted to know, it's bees. I learned that from her blog. (She's also afraid of something else, but I think she'd kill me if I put it on here, so I'm not going to.) There was another time one of us said Guess What? and the other person guessed it right away, but I can't remember it right now.

Monica and I connected mainly through our fictional obsessions. Books like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, TV shows like Avatar (which we were obsessed with), Bones (which she got me obsessed with), Once Upon a Time and How I Met Your Mother (which we became mutually obsessed with this year). Oh Monica, I forgot to tell you, yesterday Mikaela was studying for a test and what she was reading out loud said "the general good" and I saluted!!!! I felt so proud. Anyway, Monica gets waaaaay more obsessed with things than I do, but our passionate love for these and other things gives us a bond stronger than mere friendship. One does not simply lack a connection after you both fall in love with Seeley Booth and Barney Stinson.

Why is it that Monica and I are so in sync? My friend Shannon and I are like this too. We finish each other's sentences. I guess there's just certain people you automatically click with. Shannon and I spoke for the first time in October of our senior year, and were best friends within a week. We're still best friends. Actually, it's more like we're sisters. Same with Monica. I don't have "girl friends" or "gal pals". I have sisters!

Of course, there could be a biological reason behind the creepy telepathy too. You know how women who spend a lot of time together get on the same rhythm for their menstrual cycles (this is very, very true, by the way)? Maybe the same thing happens for mental rhythms. Monica and I have spent so much time together that we are channeling the exact same brain waves. Interesting, no?

I'm now to favor you with just a small glimpse of the conversations between Monica and myself (please, don't judge):
Monica: "Hitler should have started his Aryan race here in Utah."

Monica (trying to figure out a way to invite a friend over): "How am I supposed to get in touch with him without being creepy?"
Emily: "Hey we have a list of RA numbers! You can call his RA!"
Monica: "What part of 'not being creepy' don't you understand?"

Emily: "Just because they're cannibalistic doesn't mean they're not cute."

Monica: "How do normal people go to college and make friends?"
Emily: "They go to parties, get drunk, and sleep with each other."
Monica: "That's not friendship!"
Emily: "It is if they get coffee afterwards."

Monica: "Ugh! My shirt keeps coming unbuttoned!"
Emily: "Can that be your slut shirt?"

Emily: "Sometimes, I have to actually make myself stop checking them out."
Monica: "It's times like that when you think to yourself, 'Yep! I'm straight!'"

I realized as I was writing these that these are all borderline inappropriate. Go figure.
So, life in college is super fun, especially because I have a super fun roommate! I love you Monica! Thanks for putting up with me!

Wasn't this a nice blog post?
Peace and blessings,
Emily <3

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