
When things are horrible--just horrible--I think as hard as ever I can of being of princess. I say to myself , "I am a princess." You don't know how it makes you forget.
-A Little Princess
"It's true," she said. "I do pretend I am a princess. I pretend to be a princess so I can try to behave like one."
-A Little Princess

I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and...I believe in miracles.
-Audrey Hepburn

Friday, March 16, 2012

This One's For the Girls

Most of my blog posts are for the girls, actually. Because they tell you to write what you know, and this is what I know. How to be a girl. Impressive, no? Actually, I was just running out of female empowerment songs to title my blogs with. I still have "Man, I Feel Like a Woman," but I'm not exactly sure what that particularly blog post would be about. Anywho...

The topic of today's post is how to survive weekends at BYU if you're a Single Lady. BYU is, how shall I say this? Ridiculously obsessed with getting people together. It's like, Hey, there's a theater performance tonight! Bring a date! Hey, they're opening a new exhibit at the Natural History museum! Bring a date! Hey, the governor signed the order for a lethal injection this weekend! Bring a date!

It's pretty bad.

So what's a Single Girl to do? What do you do when it's Friday afternoon, all your roommates are either getting ready to go do something or being lame and refusing to leave the apartment, and no guy has called to ask you out? Do you stay at home and whine that no one will ever love you? What if you really wanted to go see the movie playing at the Varsity Theater? You can't possibly go without a date, can you? Then everyone will know you're a huge social leper!

At least, that's how I feel sometimes. Like Friday and Saturday are "date nights," and going out to some event will ruin the nights of the couples there. But I'm about to break that feeling. I want to show BYU that, no, actually, I don't need to bring a date to this event. Let's face it. In my circle of acquaintances, there are way, way more girls than guy. So even if every guy asks someone out, there will still be some dateless girls. And with my dating track record? Yeah, the phone's not really ringing off the hook (an outdated expression since our phones don't have hooks anymore.) Thus, I must make other plans. I try to go do things with my friends, like last weekend! Last weekend was phenomenal. But now another weekend faces me, and you, dear Single Lady reader. What are we to do? Well, there's actually a lot of stuff to do, even if you're trapped on campus without a car. And it's pretty cheap! Let's look at the list...

If you're into kinda nerdy stuff, we have:
Planetarium: 2 shows Fridays starting at 7 and 8. Price: $2 (I really want to do this at some point. I forgot we had a planetarium)
Museum of Art: Yep, BYU has it's very own art museum! I've already waxed at length about how much I love this place. Some cool exhibits, including Beauty and Belief, the Islam exhibit (plus a fantastic store.) Price: FREE!!!!
Bean Museum: I haven't explored here too much, but it's full of stuffed animals! How can you go wrong with that? Plus, they have weekly animal shows, I think. And a gift shop (yes, please.) Price: FREE!!!!
Museum of Paleontology: aka the Dinosaur Museum. I haven't been, but it has fossils! Of dinosaurs! Sounds cool! Price: FREE!!!!! (but donations are accepted. If you weren't a poor college student, that is)

Now if you're a sporty person, and you're tired out from playing soccer/frisbee/football all weekend in the gorgeous weather we've been having, go check out:
Rugby Game: This Saturday, in the early afternoon. I have never seen the rugby team play. I have actually never seen a rugby game in real life. But it's a pretty cool sport. I think we might be good. For more information, ask one of the guys handing out flyers in Brigham Square. You'll know he's a rugby player because he'll be bigger than everyone else. Price: $5
5k and 10k: Not really a sporting event, but it's an athletic activity. Plus it's raising money for cancer! It's at the Outdoor Track, on Saturday, at 8 AM. I avoid athletic activities like the plague, so I can't help you with more information. Price: $10 for the 5k and $15 for the 10k, except there's an additional $5 fee if you pay on Saturday.
Hmmm, I don't actually know of any other sporting events this weekend. I'm sure you'll be watching March Madness in any case. I've come to realize that it's kind of a big deal.

Next, if you're in the mood to just sit and watch something, you have plenty of choices:
Varsity Theater: This weekend, they're showing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, aka the movie that should have SWEPT the Oscars. Stupid artistic snobs. Two shows each, Friday and Saturday night. Price: $1.
International Cinema: If you want to feel a bit more cultured this weekend, check it out! It's in the SWKT. They show foreign films, which, according to the website, are "edited in keeping with the University's standards." I just thought that was funny. Their claim to fame in my world is that it's where Jim Hawkins took his future wife RenĂ©e on a date in the second Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites book. But you can go with your friends, it's ok! And...the price is FREE!!!!!!
Lots and Lots of Things in the Harris Fine Arts Center: A production of the Shakespeare play Love's Labour Lost, BYU Singers and Concert Choir, dancEnsemble, and various other performances. Go support your fellow students! And why not go all out, just for the heck of it? Maybe make a run to DI for some outrageously fancy old-fashioned dresses, elbow length gloves, opera glasses etc., and pretend like you're the grandma in Anastasia, watching the Russian Ballet perform in Paris. It could be fun! Price: Anywhere from $6-$15, depending on the event. Check it out at

If you do have access to a car, or are willing to brave the bus system, there's always the Provo Mall (I don't think it's too bad), or the Riverwoods, or either the Dollar Cinema or the real theater (I really want to see This Means War! Someday...). There's also a (probably sketchy) St. Patty's day dance in Lindon. For more information, see the flyer I saw laying on the stairs of my building. If you are going on a bus adventure, or to a dance, please take a couple of burly guys with you. I know it sucks to have to rely on people to protect you from pervs, but it's worth it.

There you go. Don't sit at home eating ice cream and watching Valentine's Day alone in your bed again (oh wait, that's me!) Go explore campus, if you haven't already. Yes, dating is super fun, but if you don't happen to have a date this weekend, don't let that stop you from seeing what's out there. If you have a bunch of friends to go with, that's awesome. If you don't, call me up. I am always willing to go do something. If nobody will do anything with you, and you're just dying to watch those rugby players smash each other, go anyway. Why not?

You always end up regretting the things you don't do in life, more than the things you do.

(Note: All of this applies to guys too. I know your bishop probably told you to go on lots and lots of dates, but I'm sure it's okay to just hang out with a bunch of friends once in a while.)

I'm excited for this weekend. I thought I'd finished with the Provo thing, but there is still stuff I haven't done. Plus, they're playing Harry Potter. In the theater again. On campus. Yes, please.

May the odds be ever in your favor,
Emily <3

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