
When things are horrible--just horrible--I think as hard as ever I can of being of princess. I say to myself , "I am a princess." You don't know how it makes you forget.
-A Little Princess
"It's true," she said. "I do pretend I am a princess. I pretend to be a princess so I can try to behave like one."
-A Little Princess

I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and...I believe in miracles.
-Audrey Hepburn

Saturday, April 7, 2012

How to Survive Life (Unless you're a penguin)

There are some awful, horrible, and frustrating things in this world. Things that can drive you absolutely crazy and make you wonder why you had to born as a human being on this planet at this time. Sometimes, it's the smallest things that make you feel like this. Things like:

-People who abuse children and pets. Both are innocent, defenseless, and so loving. I don't even think I can elaborate without going on to a pages-long rant about how people who are cruel to the children and animals under their care ought to be banished to one of Dante's circles of hell (I actually did write a paper on this for Humanities.) Suffice it to say, if you mistreat your child, starve your pet, or make either feel unwanted, unloved, and worthless, I will find you, and make you pay.

-People who lie and cheat and do bad things just for the pleasure of doing bad things. Like the people who go to BYU, knowing that they're going to BYU, knowing that it's a church owned school and that there is a strict Honor Code, and yet do things like wear their nose ring on campus. I'm not judging people who have a nose ring, what you do with your body is your business; I'm saying that you knew what you were getting into. Be an honorable person, not only because you signed a sheet of paper, but because it will make the world a more decent place.

-Mormon guys who assume that bragging about how spiritual they are will get them more dates/Mormons guy who think that acting nonchalant and critical about the church will make them cool and attractive. Like we had this Mr. Universe-type competition for my ward, and nearly every single guy got up on the stage and, instead of answering the questions they were asked or trying to make us laugh, waxed on and on about their "future eternal companion" and how strong their testimonies were. There is a time and place to be overly spiritual, and it's not at a fun and light-hearted event. I just want a guy who doesn't feel the need to brag OR criticize, but can just quietly serve and do what he's supposed to, not in order to find a wife, but because it's the right thing to do. A guy who I just KNOW has a strong testimony because of the way he lives his life and how he performs his church duties is the one for me.

-This March of the Penguins movie that I'm watching for Bio. It's so dramatic. Basically I'm learning about all the different ways penguins can die. Obviously, all these penguins aren't going to die, Morgan Freeman (the narrator), because the species continues doesn't it? Oh, and it bothers me very greatly how like every nature movie ever portrays the hunters and predators as evil. It's not like a lion wakes up one morning and decides, "Hey, I'm sick of grass. I wonder what zebra tastes like?" They HAVE to eat meat because it's the way they were made. According to dear Mr. Freeman, because the leopard seal was starving and ate a penguin (a pregnant penguin, at that) it's evil. Propaganda. That's all it is. I'm going to go eat some steak now. You know why? BECAUSE I NEED IRON AND PROTEIN TO SURVIVE.

-And of course, war, prejudice, genocide, murder, abuse, disease, pain, suffering, hunger, torture, fear, and hatred of Harry Potter. These are really bad too.

I think I've made it pretty clear in my day-to-day interactions with nearly all of the people reading this that I've been in a bit of a foul mood recently. I'm suffering from an extremely bad case of restlessness. And irritation, as the above rant proves. So how do I shake off my frustration? How can we all survive in this world of so much evil? Well...

According to mom, put on lipgloss and smile.
According to my dysfunctional journal, embrace your neuroses.
According to Mark Twain, cheer someone else up.
According to my aunt (and mom), eat chocolate.
According to Charles Schulz, stand with your head held high.
According to my grandma's dog, treat every stranger like your new best friend.
According to my grandma's cat, take long naps in the sun.
According to Eleanor Roosevelt, do one thing every day that scares you (I shot a gun today.)
According to Coco Chanel, look pretty. You can't face the world if you feel ugly and unconfident.
According to me, take some time off from life and hug a cat. (That's what I've been doing this weekend on Grandma's farm.)

There are three days left of classes, and a week and a half left of school. I think I can do this guys. Can I hire somebody to follow me around for the next two weeks with a speaker blasting Eye of the Tiger, so I can feel like a winner? That would really help.

I'm also making a pledge to write a short blog post every day for the rest of the semester, sharing something that happened that day that made me happy. You don't have to read it, I'm just trying to improve my mood, and I think that will help. An online gratitude journal, if you will, so I can share my progress with others.

(Oh my gosh I just got way more into this movie. BABY PENGUINS ARE DOING CUTE BABY PENGUIN THINGS!!!!! THEY'RE SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE!!!)
Except...they just died. Oh my. Good feeling gone. Did you know penguins try to steal other's chicks if their's dies? Oh, and now the chicks are getting eaten. What. The. Heck. This movie sucks. I may be on the predator's side, but do I have to watch the babies get eaten? I have a heart, you know.

On that note, I will leave you all. Hmm, is there a good quote that applies? I love quotes. "In my not-so-humble opinion, words are our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of inflicting great injury, and remedying it." (I'll have you know I knew all but one word of that quote from off the top of my head. Every day I'm Dumble-in')
Sure, that applies. Words are power.
Good night and God bless.
Her Royal Highness Emilia Rachelle Halteh Renaldi, Princess of Genovia. <3


  1. and according to your uncle. learn to shoot a gun just in case you ever have the need to kill your own meat to get that iron and protein and survive. So take that Morgan Freeman...

  2. The above comment was written with the express understanding that during said rant, comments about the hating of harry potter, could have, and might have, directly or indirectly, been pointed in my direction.
